Thursday, February 08, 2007

***Cooler Exclusive*** Campaign Finance-Flop Video

The Cooler has received exclusive video from a 1994 speech in which Governor Romney expresses support for radical campaign finance reforms.

The new Romney said the campaign finance reform bill was "one of the worst things in my lifetime," while addressing conservatives at the Republican Study Committee retreat.

Let's check in on what the old Romney had to say while speaking to a liberal Massachusettes audience-

  • Caucus Coolerisms
  • The Cooler Line

    Mike Huckabee 10-9
    Mitt Romney 3-1
    Fred Thompson 9-1
    John McCain 9-1
    Rudy Giuliani 12-1
    Ron Paul 12-1
    Duncan Hunter 98-1
    The Cooler line is an exclusive creation of Caucus Cooler and will be updated as the political environment changes.
    It is an unscientific assessment of the Iowa Caucus (not the Presidential race as a whole) from an insiders view at the given time. The line IS NOW mathematically accurate but is NOT intended for gambling purposes. Information may only be reproduced with credit to the Caucus Cooler.