Friday, October 13, 2006

If a Brownback falls in some row crops

And nobody hears it, did it really happen?

Apparently Sam Brownback was in Des Moines earlier this week making campaign stops for some local candidates. We only know this because the Cooler intern was having a conversation with someone who casually brought up that they attened one of the events.

There was no media coverage to speak of, and it certainly didn't generate any buzz. Tom Beaumont didn't even write a blurb for him and he covers everybody.

Brownback doesn't have any staff to speak of, we'd imagine his visits are organized by former Brownback college roomate/state legislator/activist Chuck Hurley. This is a prime example of why having staff in 06 matters.

When you come to town, people know about it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was present at one of the events Brownback attended. Their wasn't a paragraph of coverage in the Register, shocker right. Although, throughout the first half hour of the event their were two news teams there. So there was press coverage from KCCI, I saw it later that night.

10:41 AM  

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