Tuesday, October 10, 2006

McCain v. Hillary

The MSM loves the potential of a McCain v. Hillary matchup for 2008. The two Senators fed the beast today by going toe-to-toe on North Korea. From the Hotline...

In his first direct challenge to the Democrat he expects to face in the 2008 presidential race, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) today alleged that Sen. Hillary Clinton and Democrats fail to recognize the gathering threat posed by North Korea in voting to block a national missile defense program and by supporting an approach to Asian diplomacy that McCain believes is a proven failure. McCain scheduled a press conference late this morning in Michigan, where he is campaigning for Senate candidate Mike Bouchard, to draw a bright line between himself and Clinton on national security, according to an adviser.

Philippe Reines, Sen. Hillary Clinton's spokesman, responds to McCain:
A missile shield alone cannot protect us from the Bush-Cheney Administration’s incompetence in their approach to Iraq, Iran and North Korea, and it is unfortunate that Republicans such as John McCain continue to blindly defend their failed policies for partisan gain rather than exercise true leadership.

McCain took the opportunity to reinforce his national security street cred, and separate himself from Hillary as well as some of the GOP 08ers without the security experience.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would be very, very surprised if Hillary got the nomination. No matter how much $ she has. My early prediction is that Edwards and Warner are the top contenders. Bayh and Feingold may surprise. Of course Hillary will have support, but hopefully not enough for the nomination.

8:44 AM  

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