Saturday, December 16, 2006

Weekend Briefs

For those of you that want to comment on the big events of the weekend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCain is the only candidate who has had the courage to stand up and give a solution to the Iraq war that could end with success. While other politicians are shrinking from their responsibility on this critical issue, McCain has staked out a principled position- even if it isn't a popular one.

Kudos to sen. Mccain

1:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCain is the only candidate who has had the courage to stand up and give a solution to the Iraq war that could end with success. While other politicians are shrinking from their responsibility on this critical issue, McCain has staked out a principled position- even if it isn't a popular one.

Kudos to sen. Mccain

1:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, everyone else is wrong and only John McCain is right.


1:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

keep drinking the coolaid keating 5. Your ignorance will get this country blown up by terrorist.

We need to go kick their asses even if it means deploying every signle soldier we have for more than just one year.

We are at war start thinking like that and only accept victory you pushover.

Go McCain!

2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon 108 here again:

Who said "everyone else is wrong and McCain is right?"

Not me. My point was that McCain seems to be the only candidate with the courage to put his head on the chopping block and make a clear statement on what we should do with Iraq.

Let's face it, Iraq is THE issue at this point And if all our candidates can offer is "stay the course" or some other muddled strategy, the same thing is going to happen in 08 that happened in 06.

We need a candidate who will lead on this issue and McCain seems to be the only one willing to do that.

4:14 PM  

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