Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Craig Robinson's Huckabee Yard Sign

Craig Robinson, the Political Director for the Iowa Republican Party is sporting a Mike Huckabee sign in his snowfilled Poweshiek County front lawn.
The presumably neutral state party has made some not so neutral overtures during the Laudner/Robinson tenure. Recall in the late spring a press release blasting John McCain for his position on immigration, a position that was shared at the time by RNC Chair Mel Martinez and the President of the United States.
More recently a press release was sent out blaming Mitt Romney for pulling out of the Fox News debate, when in fact a number of other candidates had also not committed to participating. It is rumored that this release was the final straw that brought about the party's reorganization, with a reduced role for Chairman Hoffman and a greater role for Ted Sporer.
Robinson sent out an email on the subject you can read here.
Robinson's response when questioned about the sign, was to claim it is his wifes. But he couldn't resist taking another shot at Team Romney.
"I surely hope a certain campaign has better things to do then complain..."
Were Mitt Romney to be the party's nominee hopefully they would have the class not to punish the IowaGOP in any way for perceived slights. But who could blame them if they did? And why would the party put itself in this position?

NB- For the inevitable commenters who will trash us for this post, how would you respond if RNC Political Director Rich Beeson had a Mitt Romney sticker on his car as he pulled into "The Building?"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you explain the difference between Ted Sporer's wife working, ie getting paid by the McCain campaign, and Robinson's wife putting a yard sign in her yard?

9:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yah. Ted is elected as co. chair and elected to the SCC.

not a PAID STAFFER like robinson.

9:18 AM  
Blogger Caucus Cooler said...

And you've come to the wrong place if you want a defense of Sporer. We've been highly critical of his comments about fellow Republicans in the past.

That said, we never implied there was a problem with Robinson's wife having a favorite. You just can't put up a sign in your yard if your husband is neutral. Thems the rules.

9:20 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Where's "them rules" written??

It's illogical to restrict someone's right to freedom of speech based on their spouse's occupation. We are all granted individual liberties.

I don't want to live in a country where my ability to evaluate, select, and work for (volunteer or paid) the candidate of my choice is subject to the rantings of the PC police. And don't get me started on the topic of what I can or can't do on my own property.

Go forth Mrs. Robinson and stake your claim.

9:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's going to happen at next month's SCC mtg. regarding the Chairman's position? Is Hoffman out for sure? What's up with Sporer? Is anyone else working for it?

9:38 AM  
Blogger Caucus Cooler said...

Hey Ab-
Who's restricting liberties here?

Craig's wife can do whatever the hell she pleases. But given his position they are subject to criticism for it. That's how it works.

9:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good lord, it's not like she put a Hillary sign in the yard. Stop the presses... his wife is voting Republican.

9:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope CC live blogs it when they tell their wives/girlfriends what they are and are not allowed to do. That would be interesting.

9:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


ron paul called, they want their crazy back.

10:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops. sorry, ab not ap

10:41 AM  
Blogger Caucus Cooler said...

Luckily, that situation is one that I (err "we") won't be encountering.

10:44 AM  
Blogger Cedar Waxwing said...

Hey CC..

I too wanna know where these "rules" are?

Are you saying that anyone associated with Republican party leadership shouldnt have a yard sign in their yard?

IF that's so..then you better start checking all 99 counties central committee leaderships..cuz i'll bet that people running our central committees have signs in their yards as well..

Team Romney.. go find something else to do...its the holidays....enjoy the season a little..

10:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Cooler,

Your circular logic just won't work. Your entire premise is that it is wrong for Mrs. Robinson to put up a yard sign. Then you said in the comments she can do what she wants (but be ready to be criticized).

Which one is it?

And tell the whole story on the RPI Fox News debate... Fox pulled out upon hearing Romney declined. End of story. Hoffmann was beaten into submission by Romney staff to chastise RPI staff for telling the truth. He's the weak coward in the pasture - not RPI and not the SCC members who stood up in support of the truth and staff at the next SCC meeting.

And Jonathan Martin was honest enough to say he got the photo from a Romney supporter. Tell me that was high class ethical politics. Team Romney is intent on punishing RPI for telling the truth. Shame on them.

10:52 AM  
Blogger Caucus Cooler said...

Hey Cedar. What would your opinion be if it was Laudner with a Romney sign in his front yard and they were sending out emails attacking Huckabee?

Just a question...

11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Robinson should have been canned a long time ago for many reasons. Perhaps none bigger than as a $50k contributor to the Iowa Straw Poll, my good friend (name protected) was treated like crap by him and repeatedly told he didn't have time to speak to him or his employees and even hung up on him on 2 occasions.

50k. That's $50,000.00 more than Rudy, McCain or Thompson gave to the party which is what pays Robinson's salary.

I assure you, there will be no more checks from his organization till he's sent packing back to Brooklyn.

Besides Cedar, if you want to be on the SCC you need to know who needs to be let go. And for the record, I am very supportive of your bid to join the SCC. God speed.

1:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's the deal: state party staff are covered by a set of bylaws which require them to be publicly neutral in primary elections. SCC members, county chairs, etc., are free to do as they please. But the staff who is required to actually administer the caucus process are bound by rules which do not allow them to sport bumper stickers or yard signs.

1:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


This is news. Who cares who his wife supports. The fact that Romney had a staffer "staked out" at his house says volumes about the Romney campaign.

I have a Huckabee and Hillary sign in my front yard. I guess I better pull up the Hillary sign and put my wife in a burka, at least according to the CC.

Geeez, get a life Romneyites and CC!

1:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


As for your analogy, it is false. The proper way to frame it would be to ask whether it would matter to you if the RNC Director's wife car had a Romney bumper sticker.

Frankly, I would feel nothing in that instant. Well, maybe I would feel sorry for her for being duped by Romney, but I wouldn't care.


1:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No Sleep,

You utterly clueless. Until you learn to tell the truth, shut up.

1:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets see. I don’t know this Robinson guy but I have learned the following about him today.

He lets his wife support who ever she wishes, but tells people he is required to remain neutral do to his position at the Republican Party.

Probably doesn’t like Romney because he bailed on the Debate

Can’t be bought, hangs up on a $50,000 donor, classic.

So not only is he the political director, he has raised the people he works for a bunch of money. Yeah we should get his ass out of there!

1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mere fact that this guy got someone to give 50k for an event without McCain and Giuliani is amazing.

2:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to see these bylaws, and I'd like to see where they restrict what the spouses of staff people can do. Oh, and I'd like to see anyone on earth try to defend that, particularly anyone who knows anything about 1st amendment rights, particularly regarding political speech.

2:25 PM  
Blogger Caucus Cooler said...

Ole Ole Ole

You'd have to imagine that Rich and his wife share cars on occasion. So the analogy is apt.

And anyone that is making this a 1st amendment issue is freaking ridiculous. It's comical. We're laughing right now in our chairs.

3:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're laughing, then you're a freaking moron and have no clue about the rule of law in this country.

3:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rule of Law has nothing to do this. It isn't a law that they are breaking. Its general appropriate behavior for your job. Just because its legal doesn't make it appropriate.

3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um... it's not her job, that's the point. They can't control what she does, and they have no right to try.

4:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is trying to control what she does? All the blog is saying is that it reflects poorly on her husband, which it does.

And if he didn't have a history of showing bias to McCain/Romney it wouldn't be as big of a deal..

4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no idea who Craig or his wife are supporting. I drive down the street to see a Huck yard sign in the yard of the home in which he resides. I automatically assume he supports Huck. I happen to know that Craig is the Political Director of the State Party. You see where I am going with this. The bottom line is this: Yes, there is such a thing as free speech and we all should respect that. However, by presumably allowing his wife to put the sign in their yard, he opened himself up for the criticism you have all read by now. That same free speech that allows them to put the sign in their yard also allows for the criticism to be written. If you don't want to be criticized, don't do something to provoke said criticism. A pretty idiotic move for someone in his position, if you want my opinion.

4:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you drive down the street in a small town like that, you'd know who lives there, you'd know that his wife is an intelligent woman woman with a mind of her own. And by the way, him "letting her" put a sign in the yard (on property for which I'm assuming she has an ownership right) doesn't reflect badly on him. It would reflect badly on him if he didn't.

And really 4:21... "allowing his wife to put the sign in their yard..." That is offensive.

4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm just saying that if his wife is an intelligent woman, and I am not saying either way as I do not know her, she should have known that this would bring criticism their way because of his position.

4:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The analogy is not apt, even with your "late" modification of the joint automobile. I won't try to educate you on basic logic however.

The fact remains, its pretty fucking ridiculous that this is even on your blog. Krusty is dead (thank god). Don't resurrect that shit here.

His wife can support whoever she wants. She is not responsible for his job performance or casting a good or bad light on such a job. Get your head out of the 1950's. I know in the Republican Party its hip to have a stay-at-home wife who minds her husband, but to be silent in her choice of candidates just because her husband works for the party. Puh-leeez.

Wow, I am sure glad this is being discussed. Really raises the level of discourse on the blog.

Why has no one raised the question of why Romney felt the need to utilize campaign funds to stake out the house of the RPI political director? If he wins, watch closely who he puts in as FBI director!

4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe he put the sign up in exchange for a pardon from Huckabee for his past poor judgement as political director?

5:44 PM  
Blogger John S. Maine said...

My only hope is that he will recycle the sign after he loses to Mitt. Recycling is very important to our environment. His neighbors might be worried about the property values dropping in the neighborhood with such blight created by a Mike Huckabee sign.

John S. Maine

10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...RNC Political Director Rich Beeson DOES have a Mitt Romney sticker on his car...

1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...RNC Political Director Rich Beeson DOES have a Mitt Romney sticker on his car...

1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...RNC Political Director Rich Beeson DOES have a Mitt Romney sticker on his car...

1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooops... sorry for the triple post. I must be trigger happy.

1:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is just too rich.

Anonymous said...

"Good lord, it's not like she put a Hillary sign in the yard. Stop the presses... his wife is voting Republican."


ole ole ole said...

"I have a Huckabee and Hillary sign in my front yard."

The problem that you guys don't seem to realize, though it is plain as the nose on some of your faces...

Huckabee and Hilary are NOT very different. It is only natural to see their signs in the same yard together.

1:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, Okay... it's time for a moderator here. As a loyal Fred fan (though his chances may be slim), I unilaterally declare myself neutral when it comes to the Huckabee / Romney dispute.

Therefore I shall award points based on the substance of these posts.

Point #1 goes to Huckabee fans because he got his sign in someone's yard. Good job Huck!

Point #2 goes to Romney fans for substance of arguments, because it was the yard of someone who had promised to remain neutral (regardless of what his 1st amendment rights are).

Point #1 gets taken away from Huck fans for being the first to drop the "F-Bomb" on the blog thereby, and I quote, "raising the level of discourse on the blog."

Point #-1 gets taken away from Huck fans for assuming that it really was his wifes idea.

And the count so far.....

Romney Fans 1, Huck fans -1!!!

I'll be here all week folks.

1:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you don't think the sign was his wife's idea, you know know his wife.

1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like Red Fred's wife must mindlessly follow his lead in all things.

Oh, and one of your points totally invalid given that you also need to acknowledge that the sign is in the yard of someone who has no obligation at all to remain neutral.

I can't believe all of you sexists who want to totally disregard his wife's rights and punish him for something it sounds like he wasn't involved with.

2:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like Hucksters to shift focus and label everyone.

From a question of political neutrality you come up with accusations of sexism and woman's right. How can you possibly oppose abortion based on your silly arguments?

2:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Easy... I see an unborn child as a person who has rights too.

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come Huck supporters all have the same name... or lack thereof? It's not nearly as much fun tearing apart the arguments of anonymous people.

Just come up with a name. Any name so we can at least see who is consistently logically inept.

By the way, my real name is not Fred. I just chose it so that you would be able to tell the difference between me and all the thousands of other guys who have discovered how bad Huckabee really is.

OH... That's it! There's only one Huckabee supporter! Sorry, please disregard this post.

3:45 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

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4:52 PM  
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stink fillers -
strictly pornstars -
swallow for cash -
teen blowjob auditions -
teen hitchhikers -
teen slam -
teeny mania -
tranny nympho -
tranny ranch -
ultimate surrender -
use my daughter -
vip video zone -
whale tailn -
whipped ass -
white meat on black street -
will she gag -
wired pussy -
xxx proposal -
2 chicks 1 dick -
adult friend finder -
all anal movies -
all interracial -
anal lick fest -
anal starlets -
anarchy archives -
asian exotics -
ass like that -
ass munchers -
bang bus -
behind kink -
bi experience -
big dicks little asians -
big sausage pizza -
big tit bangers -
black ass busters -
black attack gangbang -
blowjob junkie -
blowjob quickies -
blow patrol -
booty studio -
cams -
cheerleader auditions -
creamed cornholes -
creamed feet -
cream filled babes -
creampie surprise -
cum filled mouths -
cummy pantyhose -
cumshot circus -
deep in her -
device bondage -
dirty fuck dolls -
drilled and filled -
drool my load -
easy elders -
eat my black meat -
ebony candy -
ebony clubz -
ebony knights -
erotic spank -
ethnic pass -
euro bride tryouts -
fantasy handjobs -
forbidden shemales -
frank wank -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
gag sluts -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
hell fire sex -
hog tied -
homeboi hookup -
hot shemale sluts -
huge tits pass -
indian dream girl -
in focus girls -
jerk that cock -
latina diamonds -
lesbian experience -
lesbian sistas -
lesbo trick -
lickin sistas -
mature caress -
melon hunter -
men in pain -
midnight prowl -
milf challenge -
monsterous cocks -
mother daughter fuck -
my favorite creampies -
naughty best friends -
naughty teen club -
no cum dodging allowed -
no mans playland -
nut in her mouth -
penetration tease -
petite stars -
pigtails round asses -
porn jackass -
pov casting couch -
pov squirt alert -
prime man meat -
pvc and latex -
rap video auditions -
real big racks -
rich pornstars -
right off the boat -
sammy4u -
sapphic erotica -
sexy and petite -
sleep assault -
slut seeker -
spanked and abused -
stink fillers -
strictly pornstars -
swallow for cash -
teen blowjob auditions -
teen hitchhikers -
teen slam -
teeny mania -

1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tranny nympho -
tranny ranch -
ultimate surrender -
use my daughter -
vip video zone -
whale tailn -
whipped ass -
white meat on black street -
will she gag -
wired pussy -
blind date bangers -
2 chicks 1 dick -
adult friend finder -
all anal movies -
all interracial -
amazing footjobs -
anal lick fest -
asian exotics -
ass 2 mouth sluts -
ass munchers -
bang bus -
behind kink -
bi experience -
big dicks little asians -
big sausage pizza -
big tit bangers -
black ass busters -
black attack gangbang -
blowjob quickies -
blow patrol -
boob inspector -
booty studio -
cams -
cheerleader auditions -
creamed feet -
cream filled babes -
creampie surprise -
cum farters -
cum filled mouths -
cummy pantyhose -
cumshot circus -
device bondage -
dirty fuck dolls -
eat my black meat -
ebony auditions -
ebony candy -
ebony drippers -
ebony knights -
escort trick -
ethnic pass -
euro bride tryouts -
facial cum targets -
fantasy handjobs -
forbidden shemales -
frank wank -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
hell fire sex -
hog tied -
homeboi hookup -
hot shemale sluts -
indian love goddess -
in focus girls -
just adult movies -
latina diamonds -
lesbian experience -
lesbian sistas -
lesbo trick -
lickin sistas -
mature caress -
mega cock cravers -
melon hunter -
men in pain -
midnight prowl -
milf challenge -
monsterous cocks -
mother daughter fuck -
naughty teen club -
no cum dodging allowed -
no mans playland -
nut in her mouth -
penetration tease -
porn jackass -
porn movie outlet -
pov casting couch -
pov squirt alert -
prime man meat -
pvc and latex -
rap video auditions -
right off the boat -
sammy4u -
sapphic erotica -
screw my sexy wife -
sexy and petite -
sleep assault -
slut seeker -
spanked and abused -
strictly pornstars -
swallow for cash -
teen hitchhikers -
teen rider -
teeny mania -
top notch bitches -
tranny nympho -
ultimate surrender -
use my daughter -
vip video zone -
whale tailn -
whipped ass -
white meat on black street -
wired pussy -
bus stop whores -
2 chicks 1 dick -
adult friend finder -
all anal movies -
all interracial -
amazing footjobs -
anal lick fest -
asian exotics -
ass 2 mouth sluts -
ass munchers -
bang bus -
behind kink -
bi experience -
big dicks little asians -
big sausage pizza -
big tit bangers -
black ass busters -
black attack gangbang -
blowjob quickies -
blow patrol -
boob inspector -
booty studio -
cams -
cheerleader auditions -
creamed feet -
cream filled babes -
creampie surprise -
cum farters -
cum filled mouths -
cummy pantyhose -
cumshot circus -
device bondage -
dirty fuck dolls -
eat my black meat -
ebony auditions -
ebony candy -
ebony drippers -
ebony knights -
escort trick -
ethnic pass -
euro bride tryouts -
facial cum targets -
fantasy handjobs -
frank wank -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
gay dream boys -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
hell fire sex -
hog tied -
homeboi hookup -
hot shemale sluts -
indian love goddess -
in focus girls -
just adult movies -
latina princess -
lesbian experience -
lesbian sistas -
lesbo trick -
lickin sistas -
mature temptations -
mega cock cravers -
men in pain -
midnight prowl -
milf challenge -
milfs exposed -
more hentai -
mother daughter fuck -
naughty teen club -
no cum dodging allowed -
no mans playland -
nut in her mouth -
penetration tease -
porn jackass -
porn movie outlet -
pov casting couch -
pov squirt alert -
pure interracial -
pvc and latex -
rap video auditions -
right off the boat -
sammy4u -
sapphic erotica -
screw my sexy wife -
sexy and petite -
sleep assault -
slut seeker -
spanked and abused -
stunning studs -
swallow for cash -
teen hitchhikers -
teen rider -
teeny mania -
top notch bitches -
tranny nympho -
ultimate surrender -
use my daughter -
vip video zone -
whale tailn -
whipped ass -
white meat on black street -
wired pussy -
casting couch teens -
2 chicks 1 dick -
adult friend finder -
all anal movies -
all interracial -
altered assholes -
amazing footjobs -
anal lick fest -
asian exotics -
ass 2 mouth sluts -
ass munchers -
bang bus -
behind kink -
bi experience -
big dicks little asians -
big sausage pizza -
big tit bangers -
black ass busters -
black attack gangbang -
blowjob quickies -
blow patrol -
boob inspector -
booty studio -
cams -
cheerleader auditions -
chix in the mix -
creamed feet -
cream filled babes -
creampie surprise -
cum farters -
cum filled mouths -
cummy pantyhose -
cumshot circus -
device bondage -
dirty fuck dolls -
eat my black meat -
ebony auditions -
ebony candy -
ebony drippers -
ebony knights -
escort trick -
ethnic pass -
euro bride tryouts -
extreme wife swapping -
facial cum targets -
fantasy handjobs -
frank wank -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
gay dream boys -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
hell fire sex -
hog tied -
homeboi hookup -
hot shemale sluts -
indian love goddess -
in focus girls -
just adult movies -
latina princess -
lesbian experience -
lesbian sistas -
lesbo trick -
mature temptations -
mega cock cravers -
men in pain -
midnight prowl -
milf challenge -
milfs exposed -
more hentai -
mother daughter fuck -
naughty teen club -
no cum dodging allowed -
now eighteen -
nut in her mouth -
oral fanatics -
penetration tease -
porn movie outlet -
pov casting couch -
pov pervert -
pov squirt alert -
pure interracial -
pvc and latex -
rap video auditions -
right off the boat -
sammy4u -
sapphic erotica -
screw my sexy wife -
sexy and petite -
sleep assault -
slut seeker -
spanked and abused -
stunning studs -
swallow for cash -
teen hitchhikers -
teen rider -
teeny mania -
top notch bitches -
tranny nympho -
ultimate surrender -
use my daughter -
vip video zone -
whale tailn -
whipped ass -
white meat on black street -
college teens book bang -
2 chicks 1 dick -
adult friend finder -
all anal movies -
all interracial -
altered assholes -
amazing footjobs -
anal lick fest -
asian exotics -
ass 2 mouth sluts -
ass munchers -
bang bus -
behind kink -
bi experience -
big dicks little asians -
big sausage pizza -
big tit bangers -
black ass busters -
black attack gangbang -
blowjob quickies -
blow patrol -
boob inspector -
booty studio -
cams -
cheerleader auditions -
chix in the mix -
creamed feet -
cream filled babes -
creampie surprise -
cum farters -
cum filled mouths -
cummy pantyhose -
cumshot circus -
device bondage -
dirty fuck dolls -
eat my black meat -
ebony auditions -
ebony candy -
ebony drippers -
ebony knights -
escort trick -
ethnic pass -
euro bride tryouts -
extreme wife swapping -
facial cum targets -
fantasy handjobs -
frank wank -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
gay dream boys -
girls hunting girls -
hardcore partying -
hell fire sex -
hog tied -
horny older chicks -
hot shemale sluts -
indian love goddess -
in focus girls -
just adult movies -
latina princess -
lesbian experience -
lesbian sistas -
lesbo trick -
mature temptations -
mega cock cravers -
men in pain -
midnight prowl -
milf challenge -
milfs exposed -
more hentai -
mother daughter fuck -
naughty teen club -
no cum dodging allowed -
now eighteen -
nut in her mouth -
oral fanatics -
penetration tease -
porn movie outlet -
pov casting couch -
pov pervert -
pov squirt alert -
pure interracial -
pvc and latex -
rap video auditions -
right off the boat -
sammy4u -
sapphic erotica -
screw my sexy wife -
sexy and petite -
sleep assault -
slut seeker -
spanked and abused -
stunning studs -
swallow for cash -
tease it out -
teen hitchhikers -
teen rider -
teeny mania -
top notch bitches -
tranny nympho -
ultimate surrender -
use my daughter -
vip video zone -
whale tailn -
whipped ass -
white meat on black street -
giants black meat white treat -
adult dating friends -
adult friend finder -
adult love line -
adult singles zone -
all access reality -
all anal movies -
all interracial -
altered assholes -
amateur match -
amazing footjobs -
anal lick fest -
asian amateur match -
asian exotics -
asian love line -
ass 2 mouth sluts -
ass munchers -
bang bus -
behind kink -
big dicks little asians -
big tit bangers -
big titty amateurs -
black addiction -
black ass busters -
black attack gangbang -
blow patrol -
boob inspector -
cam club -
cams -
chix in the mix -
chubby fetish -
college party dates -
creamed feet -
cream filled babes -
creampie surprise -
cum farters -
cum filled mouths -
cummy pantyhose -
cum thirsty -
device bondage -
dirty fuck dolls -
double diper -
ebony auditions -
ebony candy -
ebony drippers -
ebony knights -
ebony love line -
enigmatic asians -
escort trick -
ethnic pass -
extreme wife swapping -
facial cum targets -
fantasy handjobs -
frank wank -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
gagging whores -
gay amateur match -
gay dream boys -
gay dvd access -
hell fire sex -
hog tied -
horny older chicks -
hot shemale sluts -
indian love goddess -
in focus girls -
i want u -
just adult movies -
latina princess -
latin love line -
latino exposed -
lesbian experience -
lesbo trick -
live hardcore shows -
lonely wifes dating club -
man hookups -
mature temptations -
meat members -
mega cock cravers -
midnight prowl -
milfs exposed -
more hentai -
mother daughter fuck -
my wifes friends -
naughty teen club -
no cum dodging allowed -
now eighteen -
nuts on sluts -
oral cum queens -
oral fanatics -
penetration tease -
pornstar tryouts -
pov casting couch -
pov pervert -
pov squirt alert -
pure interracial -
pvc and latex -
rap video auditions -
right off the boat -
sammy4u -
sapphic erotica -
screw my sexy wife -
sex and submission -
sex search -
sexy and petite -
sleep assault -
slut seeker -
spanked and abused -
spread 4 u -
stunning studs -
swallow for cash -
tease it out -
teen rider -
the adult cinema -
top notch bitches -
tranny nympho -
ultimate surrender -
use my daughter -
we like it black -
whale tailn -
whipped ass -
white meat on black street -
wild hot dates -
heels and hoes -
adult dating friends -
adult friend finder -
adult love line -
adult singles zone -
all access reality -
all anal movies -
all interracial -
altered assholes -
amateur match -
amazing footjobs -
anal lick fest -
asian amateur match -
asian love line -
asian sex train -
ass 2 mouth sluts -
ass munchers -
bang bus -
behind kink -
big dicks little asians -
big tit bangers -
big titty amateurs -
black addiction -
black ass busters -
black attack gangbang -
blow patrol -
boob inspector -
cam club -
cams -
chix in the mix -
chubby secrets -
college party dates -
creamed feet -
cream filled babes -
creampie surprise -
cum farters -
cum filled mouths -
cummy pantyhose -
cum thirsty -
device bondage -
dirty fuck dolls -
double diper -
ebony auditions -
ebony candy -
ebony drippers -
ebony knights -
ebony love line -
enigmatic asians -
escort trick -
ethnic pass -
extreme wife swapping -
facial cum targets -
fantasy handjobs -
frank wank -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
gagging whores -
gay amateur match -
gay dvd access -
g bitches -
hell fire sex -
hog tied -
horny older chicks -
hot shemale sluts -
in focus girls -
interracial retreat -
i want u -
just adult movies -
latina princess -
latin love line -
latino exposed -
lesbian experience -
lesbo trick -
live hardcore shows -
lonely wifes dating club -
man hookups -
mature touch -
meat members -
mega cock cravers -
mexxxi cunts -
midnight prowl -
milfs exposed -
more hentai -
mother daughter fuck -
my wifes friends -
naughty teen club -
no cum dodging allowed -
now eighteen -
nuts on sluts -
oral cum queens -
oral fanatics -
penetration tease -
pornstar tryouts -
pov casting couch -
pov pervert -
pussy lickin lesbos -
pvc and latex -
rap video auditions -
right off the boat -
sammy4u -
sapphic erotica -
screw my sexy wife -
sex and submission -
sex search -
sexy and petite -
sleep assault -
slut seeker -
spanked and abused -
spread 4 u -
stunning studs -
swallow for cash -
tease it out -
teen rider -
the adult cinema -
top notch bitches -
tranny nympho -
ultimate surrender -
use my daughter -
we like it black -
whale tailn -
whipped ass -
white meat on black street -
wild hot dates -
horny spanish flies -
adult dating friends -
adult friend finder -
adult love line -
adult singles zone -
all access reality -
all anal movies -
all interracial -
altered assholes -
amateur match -
amazing footjobs -
anal lick fest -

1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

asian amateur match -
asian love line -
asian sex train -
ass munchers -
bang bus -
banzai sluts -
behind kink -
big dicks little asians -
big tit bangers -
big titty amateurs -
black addiction -
black ass busters -
black attack gangbang -
blow patrol -
boob inspector -
cam club -
cams -
chix in the mix -
chubby secrets -
college party dates -
creamed feet -
cream filled babes -
creampie surprise -
cum farters -
cum filled mouths -
cummy pantyhose -
cum thirsty -
device bondage -
dirty fuck dolls -
double diper -
drool my load -
ebony auditions -
ebony candy -
ebony drippers -
ebony knights -
ebony love line -
enigmatic asians -
escort trick -
ethnic pass -
extreme wife swapping -
facial cum targets -
fantasy handjobs -
frank wank -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
gagging whores -
gay amateur match -
gay dvd access -
g bitches -
hell fire sex -
hog tied -
hot gay porno -
hot shemale sluts -
in focus girls -
interracial retreat -
i want u -
just adult movies -
latin exposure -
latin love line -
latino exposed -
lesbian sex city -
lesbo trick -
live hardcore shows -
lonely wifes dating club -
man hookups -
mature touch -
mega cock cravers -
mexxxi cunts -
midnight prowl -
milf pass -
milfs exposed -
more hentai -
mother daughter fuck -
my wifes friends -
naughty teen club -
no cum dodging allowed -
now eighteen -
nuts on sluts -
oral cum queens -
oral fanatics -
penetration tease -
pornstar tryouts -
pov casting couch -
pov pervert -
pussy lickin lesbos -
pvc and latex -
rap video auditions -
right off the boat -
sammy4u -
sapphic erotica -
screw my sexy wife -
sex and submission -
sex search -
sexy and petite -
sleep assault -
slut seeker -
spanked and abused -
spread 4 u -
stunning studs -
swallow for cash -
tease it out -
teen rider -
the adult cinema -
top notch bitches -
tranny pursuit -
ultimate surrender -
use my daughter -
we like it black -
whale tailn -
whipped ass -
white meat on black street -
wild hot dates -
i spy camel toe -
adult dating friends -
adult friend finder -
adult love line -
adult singles zone -
all anal movies -
all interracial -
altered assholes -
amateur match -
amazing footjobs -
anal lick fest -
asian amateur match -
asian love line -
asian sex train -
ass munchers -
bang bus -
banzai sluts -
behind kink -
big dicks little asians -
big tit bangers -
big titty amateurs -
black addiction -
black ass busters -
black attack gangbang -
blow patrol -
boob inspector -
cam club -
cams -
chix in the mix -
chubby secrets -
college party dates -
creamed feet -
cream filled babes -
creampie surprise -
cum farters -
cum filled mouths -
cummy pantyhose -
cum thirsty -
device bondage -
dirty fuck dolls -
double diper -
drool my load -
ebony auditions -
ebony candy -
ebony drippers -
ebony knights -
ebony love line -
enigmatic asians -
escort trick -
ethnic pass -
extreme wife swapping -
facial cum targets -
fantasy handjobs -
frank wank -
fucked tits -
fucking machines -
gagging whores -
gay amateur match -
gay dvd access -
g bitches -
hell fire sex -
hog tied -
hot gay porno -
hot shemale sluts -
in focus girls -
interracial retreat -
i want u -
just adult movies -
latin exposure -
latin love line -
latino exposed -
lesbian sex city -
lesbo trick -
live hardcore shows -
lonely wifes dating club -
man hookups -
mature touch -
mega cock cravers -
mexxxi cunts -
midnight prowl -
milf pass -
milfs exposed -
more hentai -
mother daughter fuck -
my wifes friends -
naughty teen club -
no cum dodging allowed -
now eighteen -
nut in her mouth -
nuts on sluts -
oral fanatics -
penetration tease -
pornstar tryouts -
pov casting couch -
pov pervert -
pussy lickin lesbos -
pvc and latex -
rap video auditions -
right off the boat -
sammy4u -
sapphic erotica -
screw my sexy wife -
sex and submission -
sex search -
sexy and petite -
sleep assault -
slut seeker -
spanked and abused -
spread 4 u -
stunning studs -
swallow for cash -
tease it out -
teen rider -
the adult cinema -
top notch bitches -
tranny pursuit -
ultimate surrender -
use my daughter -
we like it black -
whale tailn -
whipped ass -
white meat on black street -
wild hot dates -
lesbian teen hunter -
adult dating friends -
adult friend finder -
adult love line -
adult singles zone -
all anal movies -
all interracial -
altered assholes -
amateur match -
amazing footjobs -
anal lick fest -
asian love line -
awesome interracial -
bang bus -
banzai sluts -
behind kink -
big dicks little asians -
big tit bangers -
big titty amateurs -
black ass busters -
black attack gangbang -
blow patrol -
boob inspector -
cam club -
cams -
chix in the mix -
chubby secrets -
college party dates -
creamed feet -
cream filled babes -
creampie surprise -
cum farters -
cum filled mouths -
cummy pantyhose -
device bondage -
dirty fuck dolls -
dirty latina videos -
double diper -
drool my load -
ebony auditions -
ebony candy -
ebony drippers -
ebony knights -
ebony love line -
enigmatic asians -
escort trick -
ethnic pass -
extreme wife swapping -
facial cum targets -
fantasy handjobs -
frank wank -
fucking machines -
gagging whores -
gay amateur match -
ghetto attack -
hell fire sex -
hentai and anime -
hog tied -
hot gay porno -
hot shemale sluts -
in focus girls -
interracial retreat -
i want u -
just ebony -
latin exposure -
latin love line -
latino exposed -
lesbian sex city -
lesbo trick -
live hardcore shows -
lonely wifes dating club -
man hookups -
mature touch -
mega cock cravers -
mexxxi cunts -
midnight prowl -
milf pass -
milfs exposed -
more hentai -
mother daughter fuck -
my wifes friends -
naughty teen club -
no cum dodging allowed -
nut in her mouth -
nuts on sluts -
orgy heaven -
penetration tease -
pornstar tryouts -
pov casting couch -
pussy lixxx -
pvc and latex -
rap video auditions -
real milf gangbang -
right off the boat -
sammy4u -
sapphic erotica -
scandinavian teenies -
screw my sexy wife -
sex and submission -
sex search -
shameless moms -
sleep assault -
slut seeker -
spanked and abused -
spread 4 u -
supreme cock -
swallow for cash -
tease it out -
teen rider -
the mature source -
top notch bitches -
tranny pursuit -
ultimate surrender -
use my daughter -
we like it black -
whale tailn -
whipped ass -
white meat on black street -
wild hot dates -
mr big dicks hot chicks -
adult dating friends -
adult friend finder -
adult love line -
adult singles zone -
all anal movies -
all interracial -
altered assholes -
amateur match -
amazing footjobs -
anal lick fest -
asian love line -
awesome interracial -
bang bus -
banzai sluts -
behind kink -
big dicks little asians -
big tit bangers -
big titty amateurs -
black ass busters -
black attack gangbang -
blow patrol -
boob inspector -
cam club -
cams -
chix in the mix -
chubby secrets -
college party dates -
creamed feet -
cream filled babes -
creampie surprise -
cum farters -
cum filled mouths -
cummy pantyhose -
device bondage -
dirty fuck dolls -
dirty latina videos -
double diper -
drool my load -
ebony auditions -
ebony candy -
ebony drippers -
ebony knights -
ebony love line -
enigmatic asians -
escort trick -
ethnic pass -
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no cum dodging allowed -
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1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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hentai and anime -
hog tied -
hot gay porno -
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in focus girls -
i want u -
jerk that cock -
just hardcore sex -
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milfs exposed -
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naughty teen club -
no cum dodging allowed -
nut in her mouth -
oral cum queens -
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hentai and anime -
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no cum dodging allowed -
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1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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  • Caucus Coolerisms
  • The Cooler Line

    Mike Huckabee 10-9
    Mitt Romney 3-1
    Fred Thompson 9-1
    John McCain 9-1
    Rudy Giuliani 12-1
    Ron Paul 12-1
    Duncan Hunter 98-1
    The Cooler line is an exclusive creation of Caucus Cooler and will be updated as the political environment changes.
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