Movin' on up
Move On ED Eli Pariser said "Because this is ultimately{McCain's} idea that Bush is implementing and primary voters need to know that."
The effect of the ads will be two-fold on McCain in our estimation. On the positive side, it will certainly ingratiate him with certain conservatives to be attacked by the standard bearer for extreme liberal interest groups. On the other hand, given the "surge's" unpopularity in recent polls, the ads will probably hurt McCain in the head to head match-ups with Hillary and Obama, which could diminish the "electability" argument.
Will probably have a line-change before the day/weekend is finished so check back.
Sweet irony!
The man who created 527s is going to get trashed by a 527.
Too funny!
McCain-Feingold actually prohibits 527's but the Federal Election Commission isn't enforcing the law.
uh huh, sure 8:45.
I find this to be a bit delicious. McCain gave BIRTH to It's only fitting he get bitten by them.
Incidentally, has anyone else noticed how never moves on?
And I thought McCain was a democrat...
From all of us at:
America Coming Together (ACT)
Swift Boat Veterans for Truth
Without you, none us would exist.
WAR McCain-Feingold
Here come all the Romney hacks out to bash John McCain. Feel free to say something positive about your candidate at some point.
2:34-I love it; silence in response to your post. Nothing positive to say?
They'll come out now in full force calling me a "McCainiac" even though I haven't thrown my support behind any single candidate as of yet. I would also venture to guess some clever one will put a Romney link at the bottom of their post as well. Well, here's one for you:
Most of my issue with McCain involves McCain Feingold.
Let's not forget that the nexus for that legislation was the fact that Clinton violated most existing campaign finance laws. Rather than enforce existing law that would likely have put Bill in prison, McCain decided to enable Bill's behavior by letting him off the hook by blaming the fact that we didn't have ENOUGH laws on the books.
It wasn't Bill's fault that he sold everything but Hillary (no one would buy). It's because we didn't have adequate laws to keep Bill from violating existing law.
In my mind, that makes McCain a useful idiot to the democrats.
War - McCain is your Father.
Doesn't this mean that McCain is who the Dims fear most? Or is that angle too much of a stretch for you lot??
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