Friday, December 08, 2006

Line Change!

In the Fix's Friday Presidential Line- they are in love with Newt but not so much for Huckabee. The National Journal insiders poll has an affinity for Newt as well, but not as much as Rudy. We at the Cooler are singing a different tune today. While Gingrich would create a tidal wave if he jumped in this race, the time has yet to come. And as it stands today it's Brownback with his social conservative credentials, declared candidacy and a clear constituency that is moving up the Cooler Line.

One thing everyone agrees on- George Allen's Senate loss has sunk his Presidential ambitions. So we are moving him off the line as GFA looks to John Warner's Senate seat or the Virginia's Governorship in 2009.

With that Brownback goes from 33-1 to 24-1 and Allen goes from 250-1 to OFF.

Have a great weekend Coolerites...


Blogger The Deplorable Old Bulldog said...

Brownback has been sounding a lot stronger of late. Interested in hearing him on Tuesday night.

8:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ted needs to find a new horse after completely alienating the Romney and McCain people with his incessant trashtalking..

The nice touch is when he follows it up by claiming to be a good soldier.

Yeah right.

9:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone seen the cspan sideshow in Linn County?

3:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, what is the definition of a good soldier? Just go along with he's told to do?

He's a good leader, not a good follower.

2:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought I read somewhere Newt will possibly enter the race next September after analyzing the candidates at the time.

That means he'll skip the straw poll, and start from scratch after 8 others have been campaigning all year, right?

If the decision is made that late in the game, do you really think he'll make a big splash?

I like Newt. He's a damn genius. But entering that late will pretty much doom him, no?

11:44 AM  

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    Duncan Hunter 98-1
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