Thursday, August 17, 2006

Silly Polls

Well these stupid sidebar internet polls couldn't be less accurate or worthwhile, but for some reason we love them. We're closing down shop on the inaugural Cooler Poll. "Which candidate will pull out of the race first?"

Congratulations Bill Frist- you are our winner with 22% of the vote (about 20% more than our readers think you'll get at the straw poll). Frist was followed by Pataki (19%), Allen (16%), Huckabee (14%), Giuliani (13%), Romney (12%) and McCain (5%).

The most significant result was the gap between Romney (2nd least likely to drop out) and McCain (last) was about the same as the gap between Frist and Romney. So the folks out in coolerland are very confident the senior senator from Arizona is in this thing for the long hall. Thanks to all 359 participants.

The next poll will be up later to day. "Who made the racistest comment" Allen, Biden, or Romney. Should be a fun one.

Back with news later.

(thanks for pointing out our error Jeff!)


Blogger Jeff Fuller said...

You left out the runner up . . . My Man Mitt!

9:59 AM  
Blogger Caucus Cooler said...

Crap. How did we do that. Will make the change Jeff. You've got to be happy that Mitt still finished 2nd even though you accidentally voted for him!

10:07 AM  
Blogger Jeff Fuller said...

I accidentally voted for him 3 times! Ouch!

5:28 PM  

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  • Caucus Coolerisms
  • The Cooler Line

    Mike Huckabee 10-9
    Mitt Romney 3-1
    Fred Thompson 9-1
    John McCain 9-1
    Rudy Giuliani 12-1
    Ron Paul 12-1
    Duncan Hunter 98-1
    The Cooler line is an exclusive creation of Caucus Cooler and will be updated as the political environment changes.
    It is an unscientific assessment of the Iowa Caucus (not the Presidential race as a whole) from an insiders view at the given time. The line IS NOW mathematically accurate but is NOT intended for gambling purposes. Information may only be reproduced with credit to the Caucus Cooler.