Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Worthless Polls

We at the Cooler are considering a policy of only posting on polls that are interesting for some specific reason, because if we have to keep posting everytime a new poll comes out, this place is going to be snoozeville. With that said, here are two polls to chew on.

Giuliani leads a poll of likely Iowa Caucus goers as done by Mr. Steve Grubbs. Rudy with 30%, McCain 2nd with 17% everybody else not registering much. Seriously if we have to post any more polls that have Rudy, McCain or Condi in the lead and everyone else at 3%- with maybe a Newt wildcard- we're going to die of boredum. It's all name ID. The only thing this shows you is that Rudy will a contender if he jumps in.

George Allen's lead is down to three in the Virginia Senate race. Everybody say hello to Senator Macaca over in Richmond. (Editors note: Trust a SurveyUSA poll at your own risk)

UPDATE: State 29's take on the poll is the only entertaining thing about it.

"Remember, Iowa is the state where Pat Robertson got nearly 25% in 1988. Pat Buchanan got over 23% in 1996. And both Alan Keyes and Gary Bauer received 14% each in 2000. Without a poll showing 25% to 30% of Iowa Republicans going for some religious nut or fringe wacko, I consider it null and void."

Don't be offended SoCo's, the Cooler is one of you, but if you can't laugh at yourself...


Blogger Burton Rider said...

Why did Grubbsy leave off the Newt question? He's clearly here and doing as much as anyone else.

8:24 AM  
Blogger Caucus Cooler said...

Great point BR. We fell asleep after seeing Frist at 6% so we didn't even make it to the end of the poll.

8:40 AM  
Blogger Caucus Cooler said...

Survey USA-

Your company uses auto dials and voluntary participation, thus you break the basic rules of accurate statistics. Thanks though for giving us two busted links to independent surveys and then citing Survey USA in one big self-congratulation.

11:54 AM  
Blogger Caucus Cooler said...

At work, we're going to do some reading on Survey USA tonight and determine whether or not our criticism holds water.

4:19 PM  

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