While Caucus Cooler is the only place you can find the signature "Cooler Line", a number of other national publications have power rankings they use to assess the Presidential campaign.
The Hotline's Monthly White House 2008 race rankings, show McCain as a "solid frontrunner" followed by Romney, Allen, Giuliani and Huckabee. On the Democrat side, HRC is followed by Edwards, Warner, Bayh, and Horseface.
The Fix takes a look at the "Next Five" in the Presidential race. Chris' top five is made up of Allen, Gingrich, Huckabee, McCain and Romney (No Order) and the same four Dems with a substituion of Horseface for Al Gore.
His second 5 are interesting though. He rips Pataki for
many of the same reasons we brought up earlier this week. As the rest of us start to see Giuliani as a real candidate, Cilizza is still unconvinced. On the Democrat side we are entertained by the fact that Vilsack doesn't crack the top 10. He better latch onto HRC really tight if he even wants to sniff 1600 Pennsylvania.
Race42008.com has Giuliani appearing at #2. Interesting though, he also has Newt in his top 5 (we at the Cooler just don't see how he gets the job done) and Pataki at a distant TEN. Wow that's discouraging for Team Muscatine.
Political Derby has Allen coming in at #2, the highest we've seen him, and Mike Pence of Indiana in at #9. (Steven Tyler has 2 words for the Pence fans: Dream On).
A look at the other lists show the greatest disparity between the Cooler Line and national lists lying with the Governor of New York. We think Pataki is in great shape in Iowa, has probably the best team in place at the moment, has been very well received during his visits and has the advantage of being a Governor.
See we told you lists were fun.