Softball Season Continues for One Presidential Campaign
This is taken (portion) from an article in today's New York Times...
Mr. Giuliani recently spoke to state Republican conventions in New Hampshire and California, but he did not take questions, so there was little opportunity to address his views on social issues that set him apart from many in his party.
In the last month, Mr. Giuliani has had three brief public exchanges with groups of business people who were more interested in economic issues than social ones. At an agricultural fair in Central California he was asked about farm policy, and at a Chamber of Commerce dinner in New Hampshire, he was asked about budget deficits.
The Giuliani campaign billed the stop Wednesday in South Carolina, an early primary state, as a town-hall meeting. But only “first responders” had been invited, and Mr. Giuliani’s speech was devoted to the heroism of police officers and firefighters on Sept. 11 and the threat of terrorism.
Many of those present described themselves as religious and more conservative than Mr. Giuliani, but they also said they attended because they were fans — and after hearing him praise them as the nation’s heroes, they were in no mood to challenge him.